Xi Jinping Advocates High-Quality Development of Solar Energy in China

In a pivotal session of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Xi Jinping, General Secretary, outlined a visionary roadmap for propelling the high-quality development of solar energy in China. The focus is not only on meeting rising energy demands but also on positioning China as a global leader in sustainable and clean energy practices.

Global Energy Trends and China’s Stance

Xi Jinping acknowledged the global consensus on clean energy and its pivotal role in combating climate change. Against this backdrop, he emphasized that China’s energy development faces challenges like demand pressure and supply constraints, making the rapid development of solar energy imperative.

China’s Solar Energy Potential

With abundant resources in wind power and photovoltaics, China stands as a powerhouse for solar energy development. Xi Jinping proudly noted that the country has established the world’s largest clean power supply system, and its solar technology, including new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products, holds a highly competitive position globally.

Strategic Emphasis on High-Quality Development

Xi Jinping underscored the need for a strategic shift towards high-quality development in solar energy. This involves a delicate balance between traditional and new energy sources, government and market forces, and efficient energy consumption practices.

Key Initiatives Driving Solar Energy Growth

To bolster China’s position in solar energy, Xi Jinping outlined key initiatives. These include intensive research on core solar technologies, the integration of scientific achievements, and the cultivation of new growth points in solar technology and related industries. The country is also set to enhance its solar energy infrastructure, promoting intelligent power grid transformations and accelerating the expansion of solar energy vehicle charging networks.

Global Collaboration for Solar Energy Innovation

Recognizing the global nature of the climate challenge, Xi Jinping stressed the importance of international collaboration in solar energy sci-tech innovation. The aim is to establish a fair and inclusive global energy governance system while optimizing investments in solar technology research and development.

Xi Jinping’s directives mark a significant step towards making solar energy a cornerstone of China’s sustainable future and its contribution to global environmental goals.

Source: china.org.cn

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