Waste-to-Energy Application by Yarra Valley Water Approved

EPA Victoria has issued a development license for Yarra Valley Water to construct a waste-to-energy facility at Nelson Rd, Lillydale. The decision follows thorough community consultation and extensive evaluation of evidence, considering both the applicant’s submissions and independent research conducted by the EPA.

Waste Processing through Anaerobic Digestion

The proposed facility aims to utilize anaerobic digestion to process waste and generate biogas. This biogas will be used on-site in two 1.2 MW combined heat and power units, producing more than 13,000 MWh of electrical energy annually.

Strict Conditions to Manage Environmental Concerns

EPA Victoria has taken community concerns into account, especially regarding air, odour, and noise emissions. The regulatory body has determined that these concerns can be effectively addressed with stringent conditions imposed on the project.

Additional Approvals Required

While EPA approval is a significant milestone, Yarra Valley Water still needs to secure other necessary approvals before advancing with the waste-to-energy project.

Source: miragenews.com

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