Victoria Set for Landmark 1GW Big Battery Development

Pacific Green Advances Australian Energy Storage Vision

UK-based Pacific Green has unveiled ambitious plans for a groundbreaking 1GW, 2.5GWh big battery project in Portland, Victoria, poised to become the state’s largest energy storage precinct. Dubbed the Portland Energy Park, this initiative is currently navigating the early stages of planning and approval, signaling a significant leap in grid-scale energy storage solutions in Australia.

Strategic Energy Storage Expansion

The Portland Energy Park will feature four 250MW batteries with varying storage capacities, a 500/33kV collector, and a 500kV terminal station for direct grid connection. Designed as four independent projects on a unified site, the energy park aims to offer flexible construction options, tailored to meet specific offtake demands.

With three batteries designed for two hours of storage (250MW/500MWh each) and one for four hours (250MW/1,000MWh), the project underscores Pacific Green’s commitment to enhancing energy reliability and supporting Victoria’s renewable energy sector.

A Pivotal Role in Victoria’s Energy Landscape

This project stands alongside the Melbourne Renewable Energy Hub as one of Victoria’s largest batteries, cementing the state’s position at the forefront of the renewable energy transition. The Portland Energy Park is strategically located to bolster energy supply and price stability, significantly contributing to Victoria’s net-zero ambitions.

Joel Alexander, Pacific Green’s Australian managing director, highlighted the project’s strategic placement within the Portland industrial zone, underscoring its potential to support the energy-intensive Portland Aluminium smelter and Water Treatment Plant.

Pacific Green’s Growing Australian Presence

Following its Australian market debut with the proposed Limestone Coast Energy Park, Pacific Green continues to expand its footprint with the Portland Energy Park. Both projects signify the company’s resolve to deliver essential storage infrastructure, facilitating the grid network’s decarbonization and promoting renewable energy integration.

Scheduled for construction in the first half of 2025, the Portland Energy Park is navigating through its regulatory approvals, promising to be a cornerstone in Australia’s energy market evolution towards greater sustainability and energy independence.


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