Victoria Accelerates Transition Away from Harmful Gas

The Climate Council applauds the Victorian Government’s latest Gas Substitution Roadmap, providing a blueprint for transitioning from costly, environmentally harmful gas to more affordable and efficient electric alternatives.

Leadership in Phasing Out Harmful Gas

Dr. Jennifer Rayner, Head of Advocacy at the Climate Council, commended the government’s initiative, emphasizing the detrimental impact of gas on both health and the environment. The accelerated phase-out aligns with broader efforts to deliver cleaner, cost-effective energy solutions for homes, businesses, and renters in Victoria.

Promoting Cleaner, Cheaper Energy

The updated roadmap aims to leverage existing momentum towards cleaner and more affordable energy. The proposal encourages homeowners to switch to efficient electric appliances when their gas counterparts require replacement. This approach is not only environmentally friendly but also economically advantageous for Victorian residents.

Focus on Rental Homes Efficiency

Recognizing the challenges faced by renters, the roadmap proposes a review of minimum energy efficiency standards for rental properties. By making electric and efficient homes more accessible and cost-effective for renters, the government aims to extend the benefits of sustainable living to a broader segment of the population.

Mandatory Transition to Electric for Commercial and Residential Properties

An essential component of the roadmap is the mandatory shift to electric for both commercial and residential properties. This strategic move underscores a commitment to reducing overall gas consumption, signaling a positive step towards embracing clean and affordable energy alternatives.

Victoria’s Contribution to Clean Energy Transition

The Climate Council sees Victoria’s decisive action as a significant contribution to Australia’s transition to clean, sustainable energy solutions. By prioritizing the reduction of harmful gas usage, the state sets an example for others to follow in the journey towards a fossil fuel-free future.


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