Vertex Energy Strengthens Financial Position with Amended Term Loan Agreement

Vertex Energy, a leading refiner and marketer (NASDAQ: VTNR), has successfully amended its term loan agreement, signifying a crucial move to fortify its financial standing. The company collaboratively modified specific terms and conditions with its existing group of lenders, targeting a bolstered balance sheet.

Key Amendments and Financial Impact

The amended term loan greenlights an additional $50.0 million in borrowings to Vertex, with the entire sum swiftly utilized upon closing. This transaction elevates the total outstanding balance on the term loan to $198.0 million. The modified agreement features an interest rate based on the greater of prime minus 1.5% or the federal funds rate (not less than 1%) plus 0.5%, plus 1025 basis points. Crucially, the amendments maintain the original duration of the term loan agreement, due on April 1, 2025.

Rationale and Future Prospects

These strategic adjustments respond to Vertex’s ongoing assessment of alternative options to fortify its financial position. The amendments provide immediate support for current operational needs and strategic endeavors. Notably, lending partners retain the discretionary authority to extend an additional $25.0 million under the term loan, subject to specific terms and conditions.

CEO Perspective

Benjamin P. Cowart, President and CEO of Vertex, emphasized the multifaceted benefits of the agreement. Beyond fortifying liquidity, the amendments offer strategic flexibility. Cowart expressed confidence in the shared vision with lending partners regarding the company’s long-term value potential. The enhanced flexibility is anticipated to serve the best interests of shareholders as Vertex progresses steadily toward its overarching goals.

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