UEC Drives Research and Innovation in Energy, Materials Science, and Quantum Computing

Unveiling Breakthroughs: UEC Research and Innovation January 2024

The University of Electro-Communications (UEC) unveils cutting-edge research in its January 2024 issue of UEC Research and Innovation, available online here. This edition showcases strides in artificial intelligence (AI) for energy, materials science advancements, and quantum computing.

Pioneering Materials Science at Ultra-High Magnetic Fields

In this issue, Assistant Professor Akihiko Ikeda explores condensed matter physics, specifically the effects of ultra-high 1000 Tesla magnetic fields on materials. The research delves into changes in electron spin, electronic, phononic, optical, and lattice states. Ikeda aims to observe material phase transitions, uncovering novel crystal structures unique to extreme magnetic fields.

AI Revolutionizes Wireless Networking

Associate Professor Katsuya Suto leads a group dedicated to transforming wireless communications through AI integration. Focusing on joint source and channel coding using deep neural networks, Suto aims to address current wireless communication challenges. The goal is to optimize channel coding, improving communication quality and mitigating issues like block noise in video transmissions.

UEC Expands Global Collaborations: A Foray into New Zealand

UEC President Shunichi Tano and Director Kazuaki Oya embarked on a visit to New Zealand, fostering new partnerships from December 4 to 8. This move signifies UEC’s commitment to global academic collaboration. The delegation, accompanied by key university representatives, engaged with academic communities in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch.

UEC: A Pioneer in Science and Technology Research

Founded in 1918, UEC has evolved into a leading institution in pure and applied sciences, engineering, and technology. With roots tracing back to the Technical Institute for Wireless Communications, UEC has consistently been at the forefront of research. The university’s expertise spans wireless communications, laser science, robotics, informatics, and material science, making it a hub for innovation.

Stay tuned for more groundbreaking developments as UEC continues to shape the landscape of energy, materials science, and quantum computing.


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