The Fragile State of Our Energy Policy Threatens to Plunge Americans into Darkness

American families and businesses expect reliable and affordable electricity, yet the nation faces a growing threat of insufficient power supply.

Reliability Concerns from Grid Watchdog

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) warns of increasing threats to grid reliability, projecting a future of frequent rolling blackouts.

Recent Blackouts and Future Risks

Nine states experienced rolling blackouts at the end of 2022, and NERC’s 2023-2024 Winter Reliability Assessment predicts a high risk of such incidents. Over the next five years, 19 states face potential blackouts during normal and extreme conditions.

Politics Impacting Energy Policy

Energy policy, influenced by politics, has led to a state of “doing more with less.” The nation’s increasing reliance on electricity clashes with a diminishing power supply due to the closure of power plants.

Regulatory Hurdles and Infrastructure Challenges

Building necessary energy infrastructure faces challenges due to complex regulations and permitting processes, hindering the growth of power generation capabilities.

Proposed EPA Rule and Dam Breach Deal

The EPA’s proposed rule demands costly technology for always-available power plants, potentially leading to more blackouts. Additionally, a secret deal by the Biden administration may jeopardize reliable electricity by breaching dams on the Lower Snake River.

A Call for Realistic Policy Solutions

To address the energy crisis, policymakers must engage in a serious conversation, recognizing the laws of physics and current realities. Balancing renewable resources with always-available energy and investing in technology and infrastructure are crucial for a reliable energy future.

Strengthening the Grid: Coordination and Policies

While renewable resources contribute to the solution, policymakers need to prioritize time, technology development, and new transmission infrastructure for a resilient energy future. Strengthening the grid requires coordination, visibility into electricity demand, and supportive federal and local policies.

Urgency for a Reliable Energy Future

Ensuring reliable electricity is essential for America’s economy and national security. Policymakers must act with urgency, understanding the high stakes involved in addressing the energy crisis.


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