Tasmania’s Northern Region Poised to Lead as a Renewable Energy Hub

Visionary Plans to Catalyze Economic Growth and Sustainable Energy

Premier Jeremy Rockliff, outlining the Liberal Government’s vision, envisions Northern Tasmania as a potent renewable energy hub, poised for substantial economic growth. The proposed 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future is set to attract significant investments, fostering job creation and bolstering the state’s energy security.

Declaration of Tasmania’s First Renewable Energy Zone (REZ)

In the initial 100 days of a re-elected majority Liberal Government, Premier Rockliff pledges to declare Tasmania’s inaugural Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) in the North West. This strategic move aims to designate an area conducive for the development of new-generation projects in close proximity to essential transmission networks. The proposed REZ near Burnie will not only meet energy demands but also directly involve local communities, ensuring shared benefits.

Infrastructure Development for Sustainable Growth

The declaration of the REZ will catalyze the construction of the vital North West Transmission Development. The government commits to underwriting the North West Development Transmission line connecting Hampshire and Burnie, facilitating the integration of at least three wind farms and substantial industrial projects.

Investments in Training and Services Facilities

The 2030 Strong Plan allocates $4 million for a cutting-edge renewable energy industry training facility in Burnie. This facility is anticipated to support up to 20 apprentices annually, addressing the growing demand for skilled professionals in the renewable energy sector.

Additionally, the plan outlines the establishment of a Renewable Energy Services Hub at Bell Bay. Leveraging Bell Bay’s strategic location and existing industrial infrastructure, the hub is positioned to emerge as a powerhouse for renewable energy services, generating hundreds of jobs. Premier Rockliff emphasizes that these visionary initiatives, exclusively under a re-elected majority Liberal Government, will ensure Tasmania maintains its leadership position in the national renewable energy landscape.


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