Taiwan Breaks Records with Over 50% Solar and Wind in Energy Mix

Taiwan achieves a groundbreaking moment with solar and wind contributing over 50% to its energy mix, surpassing 10 gigawatts for the first time.

Renewables Surpass Coal with 52.37% at Noon

In a significant leap for Taiwan’s energy transition, solar and wind generation hits 52.37% at 12:21 p.m., exceeding 10 gigawatts combined and setting a national record.

Solar Energy Hits Milestone Exceeding 8 Gigawatts

Taiwan reaches a new milestone as solar energy production surpasses 8 gigawatts around noon, demonstrating the country’s commitment to sustainable and record-breaking energy achievements.

Boost in Renewables Enables Maintenance, Readies for Summer Demand

The surge in renewables, particularly solar and wind, empowers Taiwan Power Co. to conduct essential maintenance on coal and nuclear plants, ensuring preparedness for the upcoming peak electricity consumption during the summer.

Taiwan’s Ambitious Renewable Targets and Net-Zero Commitments

Despite revising the 2025 renewable energy goal to 15%, Taiwan’s government eyes a more ambitious target of 60-70% from renewables by 2050, aligning with its commitment to net-zero emissions.

Source: focustaiwan.tw

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