Space-Based Solar Farms: A Breakthrough in Global Energy Solutions

Irish scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in space-based solar energy technology. This advancement could potentially offer a limitless supply of clean energy, addressing the global energy crisis.

Harnessing Solar Energy from Space

Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast, in collaboration with UK company Space Solar Ltd, have developed a prototype satellite capable of harvesting solar energy in space and transmitting it back to Earth via microwave beams. Unlike terrestrial solar farms, space-based solar farms can provide continuous energy regardless of weather conditions.

Lead researcher Dr. Neil Buchanan explained that solar panels in space generate over twelve times more renewable energy than those on Earth due to higher light intensity, absence of clouds, and continuous exposure to sunlight. This technology could revolutionize the solar energy market and significantly impact energy market trends.

Technological Advancements and Future Plans

The innovative satellite, named CASSIOPEIA, features a solid-state power-beaming architecture capable of 360-degree beam steering. This design ensures the satellite can continuously face the sun and transmit energy to a fixed point on Earth. A prototype, containing over 150 antennas, successfully demonstrated its capabilities in Queen’s Centre for Wireless Innovation’s (CWI) anechoic chamber.

Space Solar estimates that each satellite, with a 2-kilometer diameter antenna, could provide 2 gigawatts of continuous power, enough to supply one million homes. The partnership aims to scale up the technology, with plans to conduct space trials by 2030 and achieve large-scale power transmission within a decade. Ultimately, several hundred satellites could be launched, significantly contributing to global energy needs.

Economic and Environmental Impact

Although the initial investment for launching satellites is high, the cost has decreased significantly in the past decade. Once operational, these satellites will generate substantial revenue and provide a sustainable source of clean energy. This development aligns with green energy policies and promises a positive environmental impact.

Martin Soltau, co-chief executive of Space Solar, highlighted the success of the demonstration and the potential for space-based solar power to deliver reliable and affordable energy. The team’s design of a cross-helical antenna array and high-efficiency microwave transmitter further enhances the technology’s capability to beam energy over long distances.


This groundbreaking development in solar technology marks a significant step towards solving the global energy crisis. By harnessing solar energy in space, we can provide a continuous and sustainable energy supply, transforming the solar energy market and supporting global green energy policies. As this technology progresses, it promises a future of reliable, clean energy for millions of homes worldwide.

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