SolarSaver Empowers Dairy Farms with Innovative Solar Solutions in KwaZulu-Natal

Renewable Energy Revolution in Creighton Valley

SolarSaver, a leading provider of solar photovoltaic installations, is spearheading a renewable energy initiative at dairy farms in Creighton Valley, KwaZulu-Natal. The company’s solar solutions are revolutionizing the energy landscape, significantly reducing electricity costs and ensuring a stable power supply for local dairy farms and cheese producers.

Addressing Energy Intensity in Dairy Farming

Dairy farming, known for its energy-intensive operations, faces challenges in powering milking machines and refrigeration units. SolarSaver’s grid-tied solar installations have proven instrumental in mitigating these challenges, offering immediate and substantial impacts. The Creighton Valley Cheese Company, processing 70,000 liters of locally sourced milk daily, witnessed transformative changes after SolarSaver’s intervention.

Hybrid Solutions: Solar and Battery Backup

Recognizing the need for uninterrupted power, SolarSaver expanded its offerings to include hybrid systems integrating solar and battery backup. Burnview Dairy successfully adopted this hybrid solution, ensuring operations run seamlessly 24/7. Owner Hayden Stokes, impressed by the results, plans to enhance the Creighton Valley Cheese Company installation by adding batteries and increasing capacity by 50kWp.

SolarSaver’s Innovative Rent-to-Own Model

SolarSaver’s unique rent-to-own model facilitates the installation of grid-tied solar systems at no capital cost. Clients pay only for the green power produced, often at rates lower than Eskom. This approach ensures accessibility and affordability. The company also provides solar-battery hybrid solutions through a set monthly fee or direct sale, offering flexibility to meet diverse energy needs.

Lance Green of SolarSaver emphasizes the financial viability of battery hybrid solutions, particularly in areas with extensive load shedding and high generator costs. By delivering a consistent, stable power supply and reducing reliance on generators, SolarSaver’s solutions empower farms to save costs and maintain production.

“Burnview Dairy and the Creighton Valley Cheese Company exemplify how renewable energy can enhance competitiveness and address power challenges, contributing to a more sustainable future for South Africa,” says Lance Green, emphasizing the broader impact of solar solutions in the agricultural sector.

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