SolarLab Revolutionizes Solar Panels for Aesthetic Integration

SolarLab introduces customizable solar panels, providing architects with design freedom without compromising energy efficiency.

Architectural Transformation

Traditionally confined to roofs, solar panels are now undergoing an architectural revolution with SolarLab’s innovative technology. The company offers architects the flexibility to seamlessly integrate renewable energy into large facade surfaces, challenging traditional norms.

Design Flexibility

SolarLab’s customizable solar panels break away from standard shapes and sizes, ranging from 360 mm to 3600 mm wide. Architects can choose from various typologies, including Rain Screen, Curtain Wall, and Louvers, each providing unique benefits in terms of durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic appeal.

Flexibility Beyond Dimensions

SolarLab’s panels not only vary in dimensions but also offer a spectrum of finishes, coatings, and visual effects. The product palette includes classic black crystal, metallic finishes, variegated colors, and coatings resembling ceramic tiles. Deep-framed glass with three-dimensional patterns adds visual dynamism, playing with shadows and reflections.

Iconic Projects Showcase Innovation

Projects like the Copenhagen International School and The Student Experience International in Amsterdam showcase the dynamic possibilities of SolarLab’s technology. Vibrant colors, dynamic facades, and efficient energy production create sustainable, visually appealing buildings.

Towards a Greener Future

SolarLab envisions cities adorned with energy-producing buildings, seamlessly blending sustainability with architectural excellence. The company invites architects and developers to explore free simulations, design guides, and CAD tools, fostering the integration of customized solar facades into diverse projects.

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