SolarEdge Technologies Joins Great Britain’s Demand Response Scheme for Grid Stability

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SEDG), a global leader in smart energy technology, has confirmed its renewed participation in Great Britain’s Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) scheme. The initiative is part of SolarEdge’s Virtual Power Plants (VPP) portfolio.

Supporting Grid Stability with Demand Flexibility

In collaboration with ESO, SolarEdge invites consumers in Great Britain to play a pivotal role in stabilizing the grid. The DFS, introduced last winter and ongoing, encourages homeowners to reduce electricity consumption during pre-scheduled demand events, earning financial incentives in return.

Innovative Approach for SolarEdge Home Battery Owners

Distinguishing itself from traditional methods, SolarEdge Home Battery owners, equipped with eligible export meters, can earn incentives without altering their electricity consumption behavior. SolarEdge’s cutting-edge technology remotely schedules the batteries to charge before each DFS event, optimizing energy export during the event itself.

Seamless Participation and Tangible Impact

Alfred Karlstetter, General Manager Europe at SolarEdge, expresses delight in facilitating continued benefits for SolarEdge Home Battery owners. He highlights how innovative solar and storage technologies simplify participation in demand response programs, making it seamless, intuitive, and profitable. Karlstetter emphasizes the tangible impact solar and battery storage technologies can have on grid stabilization, empowering homeowners to contribute to a more stable energy ecosystem.

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