Solar Eclipse to Disrupt Power Supply: Impact on US Grid

The upcoming total solar eclipse on Monday is expected to significantly reduce solar energy production in the United States, causing disruptions to the power supply grid.

Massive Energy Losses Expected

During the eclipse, the US is projected to lose more than 30 gigawatts of solar energy, equivalent to the output of 30 nuclear reactors. This loss occurs as sunlight is obstructed during peak generating hours.

Regional Impact on Power Grids

The Texas power grid is anticipated to bear the brunt of the eclipse’s impact, with an estimated loss of approximately 17 gigawatts. Similarly, the PJM Interconnection LLC grid in the northeastern region will see a reduction of about 4.8 gigawatts from utility-scale solar power and an equal amount from rooftop systems. Meanwhile, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator grid, covering much of the Midwest, is expected to experience a slightly lower loss of 4 gigawatts.

The solar eclipse presents a significant challenge for grid operators as they work to mitigate the impact of reduced solar energy production on the power supply.

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