Senkron.Energy and Microsoft’s Bold Collaboration Unveiled at COP28

Transforming Renewable Energy Generation

Senkron.Energy Digital Services, Microsoft, and Enerjisa Üretim have inked a groundbreaking collaboration at COP28, pledging to reshape the renewable energy sector across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Innovative Technologies at the Helm

The alliance harnesses cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), GenAI, Copilot, Microsoft Sustainability Manager, Dynamics Assets Management, Managed IT, and OT Security. These advancements will drive innovation and sustainability in renewable energy.

Revolutionizing Energy Operations with OnePact AI

A pivotal component of this collaboration is the introduction of “OnePact AI,” a generative AI application utilizing Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service. This innovation optimizes operational efficiency across Enerjisa Üretim’s extensive power plant portfolio, ensuring a more sustainable and greener future.

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