Rs 75,021-Crore Allocated for Rooftop Solar Scheme Advancing Green Goals

India’s Ambitious Move: PM-Surya Ghar Scheme Launched with a Massive Outlay

In a significant push towards sustainable energy, the Union cabinet has approved a whopping outlay of Rs 75,021 crore for the PM-Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana. This initiative, announced in the interim budget on Feb. 1, aims to promote rooftop solar installations and offer free electricity to 1 crore households, marking a crucial step in India’s green energy goals.

Scheme Overview

The PM-Surya Ghar scheme entails providing free electricity up to 300 units every month for eligible households. Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially launched the scheme on Feb. 13, emphasizing its role in promoting clean and renewable energy.

Generous Subsidies for Solar Systems

Under the scheme, the government offers substantial subsidies to encourage the adoption of rooftop solar systems. Households opting for 2-kilowatt systems receive a subsidy covering 60% of the system costs. Additionally, for systems ranging from 2 to 3 kW in capacity, a 40% subsidy is provided on the additional system costs. With a 3-kW system generating over 300 units monthly on average, this initiative aligns with the government’s commitment to boosting solar energy adoption.

Financial Support Breakdown

The subsidy structure translates into significant financial support, with a Rs 30,000 subsidy for a 1 kW system, Rs 60,000 for 2 kW systems, and Rs 78,000 for 3 kW systems at current benchmark prices.

Advancing Green Energy Goals

This substantial investment reflects India’s commitment to advancing its green energy goals, promoting sustainable practices, and reducing reliance on traditional power sources.


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