Rooftop Solar Safety Takes Center Stage: SafeWork NSW Launches Compliance Blitz

Ensuring Compliance: Inspections Reveal Alarming Non-Compliance Trends

In a bid to enforce safe practices in the installation of rooftop solar devices, SafeWork NSW has initiated a compliance blitz. This campaign focuses on guaranteeing the safety of sub-contractors and promoting secure work practices within the rooftop solar industry.

Non-Compliance Unveiled in 2022 Inspections

SafeWork Inspectors conducted thorough inspections in 2022, visiting 86 rooftop solar installation sites. Shockingly, these inspections unveiled a substantial level of non-compliance. A total of 403 notices were issued, resulting in fines amounting to $216,864. Most notices were linked to falls from heights, falling objects, and electrical risks.

Key Observations: Addressing Risks and Elevating Safety Standards

Inspectors identified critical observations during the compliance blitz, shedding light on potential risks and the need for heightened safety standards in the rooftop solar industry.

Inadequate Fall Protections: A concerning 54% of sites with fall protections were deemed insufficient to ensure worker safety.

Lack of Controls: A significant 42% of sites lacked adequate controls to prevent falls through fragile roof materials.

Harness Misuse: A startling 64% of workers wearing harnesses were not connected to the harness system.

Missing System Layout Plans: A notable 61% of sites lacked a plan or diagram detailing the system layout and fall hazard locations.

Urgent Call for Action: Elevating Safety Measures

The data suggests an urgent need for the rooftop solar industry to prioritize safety. SafeWork NSW emphasizes the adoption of higher-level fall protection methods, such as temporary edge protection and scaffolds, over the reliance on harnesses.

Strict Penalties and Commitment to Safety

Rooftop solar retailers and installers failing to meet legislative requirements may face fines of up to $3,600. Trent Curtin, Head of SafeWork NSW, asserts a zero-tolerance approach, stating, “Inspectors will be targeting the safety duties of retailers and installers, taking a strong stance against shortcuts that endanger workers’ lives.”

In conclusion, SafeWork NSW’s compliance blitz serves as a pivotal initiative to uphold safety standards in the growing rooftop solar industry. By addressing non-compliance trends and emphasizing elevated safety measures, the regulatory body aims to protect workers and mitigate the risks associated with rooftop solar installations.

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