Romania Unveils EUR 800 Million Green Energy Projects from Modernisation Fund

Launching Sustainable Initiatives in March

Ministry’s Green Energy Projects: Romania’s Ministry of Energy is set to initiate two substantial green energy projects in March, valued at over EUR 800 million. These projects will receive funding from the Modernisation Fund, representing a significant leap towards sustainable and renewable energy sources.

Public Consultation on Applicant Guides

Transparent Process: As part of the initiative’s transparency, the Ministry plans to release two applicant guides for public consultation. This step aims to engage stakeholders and gather valuable insights, fostering a collaborative approach in the development of green energy projects.

Diverse Energy Production Support

Solar, Wind, and Hydro Focus: The announced projects will offer support, including grants, for production and self-consumption from solar, wind, and hydro energy production. This comprehensive approach underscores Romania’s commitment to diversifying its energy portfolio while promoting job creation and enhancing competitiveness within the private sector.

Minister’s Vision for Long-Term Benefits

Job Creation and Lower Energy Bills: Sebastian Burduja, the Minister of Energy, emphasized the multifaceted benefits of these investments. He highlighted the positive impact on job creation, increased competitiveness for Romanian businesses, and the potential for lower energy bills for citizens in the long term.

Romania’s move to launch these green energy projects signifies a strategic commitment to sustainable development and aligns with broader European efforts to transition towards cleaner and more environmentally friendly energy sources.

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