Romania May Favor Wind Projects in 2024 CfD Auction

Shift in Renewable Energy Allocation

Romania may allocate a larger share of this year’s Contracts for Difference (CfD) auction to wind projects, according to Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja. reports that a significant number of solar energy projects are already funded through the National Resilience Facility (PNRR) and the Modernisation Fund.

Current CfD Scheme Details

Initially, Romania earmarked 1,000 MW each for wind and solar (PV) projects under the CfD scheme. The scheme aims to cover up to 5,000 MW of wind and solar power generation over 15 years. However, this approach has faced criticism from analysts who argue it is less efficient and riskier than long-term contracts.

Auction Prices and Future Outlook

The maximum exercise prices for this year’s CfD auction are set at 91 euros/MWh for photovoltaic projects and 93 euros/MWh for wind projects. This adjustment reflects Romania’s strategic shift towards wind energy in the current renewable energy landscape.

Strategic Developments and Investments

Romania’s decision to potentially favor wind projects is part of broader energy market trends. As solar energy investment continues under existing funding mechanisms, the focus on wind energy could enhance the country’s renewable energy portfolio.

This move aligns with Romania’s green energy policies and efforts to balance its energy storage and generation capacities. By optimizing solar technology developments and lithium battery storage, Romania aims to bolster its renewable energy market.


Romania’s potential shift in renewable energy allocation underscores the dynamic nature of the energy market. By leveraging diverse funding mechanisms and strategic investments, Romania seeks to enhance its renewable energy capabilities and meet its sustainability goals.

This decision also highlights the importance of ongoing solar market analysis and the need to adapt to evolving energy market trends. As Romania continues to navigate the complexities of green energy policies, its commitment to renewable energy remains steadfast.

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