Romania Aims to Double Power Generation Capacity by 2035

Ambitious Solar Energy and Wind Power Goals

Romania plans to double its installed power generation capacity to 40GW by 2035, according to a draft of the 2025-2035 energy strategy under debate at the Ministry of Energy. This increase is necessary to meet the goal of producing 60% of power from solar energy and wind installations, which are intermittent by nature.

Strategic Green Energy Policies

Within the long-term strategy (STL), Romania has committed to installing approximately 24GW of wind and solar energy by 2035. This target represents a five-fold increase compared to 2021, which had 3GW of wind energy and 1.4GW of solar power. This growth aligns with broader energy market trends and green energy policies focusing on sustainable energy solutions.

Renewable Energy and Future Developments

By 2035, renewables, including hydro power, will account for over 80% of Romania’s installed capacity. The first new nuclear reactor is scheduled to become operational in 2029. Coal will be phased out by 2031, and from 2036, gas plants will incorporate “green” gases, further advancing Romania’s commitment to green energy.

Of the projected capacity for 2035, 82.1% will come from sustainable renewable energy (SRE), leveraging domestic resources for electricity production. This significant increase will enhance energy storage capabilities and support the solar energy market, ensuring a stable and reliable power supply.

Renewable Energy Consumption Goals

Romania aims to achieve a 58.5% share of energy from renewable sources in its gross final electricity consumption by 2035. This is a substantial increase from 41% in 2020, reflecting the nation’s dedication to advancing solar technology and other renewable energy developments. This ambitious goal underscores Romania’s commitment to sustainable growth and energy market trends, ensuring a greener future for the country.

In conclusion, Romania’s energy strategy highlights a significant investment in solar energy and wind power, supporting the global transition towards renewable energy. This initiative will play a crucial role in the country’s energy market analysis and its overall contribution to green energy development.

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