Risen Energy Unveils White Paper on “Development and Industrial Application of Ultra-Thin Silicon Wafers”

Pioneering HJT Technology

Risen Energy, a global leader in photovoltaic smart energy solutions, has been at the forefront of technological innovation in the photovoltaic industry. Anticipating the shift to n-type solar cells, it initiated research and development of Heterojunction (HJT) technology in 2019. HJT, recognized for its cost reduction advantages, became a mainstream route for n-type solar cells.

Breakthrough Achievements

Risen Energy’s commitment to HJT technology resulted in global leadership in HJT shipments for two consecutive years. Breaking four consecutive HJT module efficiency world records showcased the company’s dedication to pushing technological boundaries. By the end of 2022, Risen Energy achieved the development and mass production of ultra-thin silicon wafers, marking a significant breakthrough in the industry.

Comprehensive Industry Insights

Understanding that silicon wafer costs contribute significantly to HJT solar cell expenses, Risen Energy compiled its experiences and reflections into a white paper. Released in August 2023, the White Paper on “Development and Industrial Application of Low-Silver Metallization Pastes” shared insights on cost reduction through low-silver metallization pastes. Now, Risen Energy aims to shed light on the development and industrial application of ultra-thin silicon wafers.

Driving Cost Reduction

With silicon wafer costs representing 55% of total HJT solar cell costs, Risen Energy’s focus on thinning silicon wafers emerges as a pivotal strategy for mass production. The white paper outlines the company’s progress in achieving the mass production of solar cells and modules using 110μm ultra-thin silicon wafers, showcasing the capability to produce wafers with thicknesses less than 100 μm.

Sharing Expertise for Industry Advancement

Risen Energy’s release of the white paper underscores its commitment to sharing knowledge and experiences. By contributing insights on ultra-thin silicon wafer development, the company aims to foster continuous cost reduction and promote mass production of HJT products across the industry.


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