Rewiring Australia Advocates Increased Solar and Electrification for Cost Reduction

Rewiring Australia has called on the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to prioritize electrification and rooftop solar in energy planning to reduce costs, especially as large-scale renewables face delays.

Focus on Electrification and Rooftop Solar

Dr. Saul Griffith, Co-founder and Chief Scientist of Rewiring Australia, emphasized the need for AEMO to catch up with the rooftop solar revolution led by Australian households. He urged AEMO to innovate and facilitate faster deployment of consumer energy technologies.

Household Energy as a Resource

Griffith proposed viewing household energy as a resource rather than a risk and redesigning the market to help consumers leverage solar, batteries, and electric vehicles (EVs) for cost reduction. He suggested changes to market rules to encourage households to electrify and use EVs as grid-connected batteries.

Critical Role of Electrification

Griffith highlighted the importance of electrification in meeting Australia’s climate targets, emphasizing its role as the quickest and most cost-effective way to lower emissions and reduce energy bills. He cited Rewiring Australia’s research, indicating potential savings of up to $5000 per year by 2030 for households adopting an all-electric approach with solar.

Rewiring Australia emphasized the need for AEMO to prioritize electrification and rooftop solar, urging a shift in focus to address delays in large-scale renewables and achieve climate targets. The organization stressed the potential for substantial cost savings through household electrification and the use of renewable technologies.


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