Revolutionizing Solar Panel Disposal: ‘Urban Mining’ Offers Sustainable Solutions

As solar installations in the US surge, the looming issue of handling end-of-life solar panels sparks innovative recycling initiatives.

End-of-Life Challenges for Solar Panels

With the lifespan of solar panels around 30 years, the first wave is approaching retirement, posing a recycling challenge.

We Recycle Solar’s Circular Approach

We Recycle Solar, led by CEO Adam Saghei, proposes a circular economy, emphasizing reuse, refurbishment, and innovative ‘urban mining’ techniques.

‘Urban Mining’ for Valuable Resources

Saghei’s team perfects a three-year process for ‘urban mining,’ extracting silver, copper, aluminum, glass, and silicone from retired solar panels, with a remarkable 99% recovery rate.

Efficient lifecycle management becomes crucial as solar installations peak, necessitating policy support to address recycling challenges in the growing market.

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