Renewable Energy Surge in the US Brings Billions in Benefits

Major Gains in Solar Energy and Air Quality

The United States’ increased use of renewable energy has not only reduced planet-warming emissions but also significantly improved air quality. This shift has brought hundreds of billions of dollars in benefits, according to a new report.

Published in Cell Reports Sustainability, the study analyzes publicly available data on renewable energy growth in the US from 2019 to 2022.

Rapid Growth in Wind and Solar Energy

“From 2019 through 2022, wind and solar generation increased by about 55%,” said Dev Millstein, a scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. By 2022, wind and solar met roughly 14% of the US’s total electricity needs.

During this period, the increased use of wind and solar power reduced fossil fuel power plant reliance, cutting carbon dioxide emissions by 900 million metric tons. This reduction is equivalent to taking 71 million cars off the road annually. While these climate benefits are significant, the study highlights the air quality improvements brought by renewable power.

Health and Economic Benefits

The report, authored by researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Clean Kilowatts, quantifies how wind and solar energy reduced toxic air emissions, particularly sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxides (NOx), which are harmful byproducts of fossil fuel combustion. Over three years, emissions of SO2 and NOx decreased by a total of 1 million metric tons. These reductions, linked to lower asthma risks and other health issues, provided substantial public health benefits.

The researchers used air quality models to track population exposure to pollution from power plants and employed epidemiological research to quantify the health benefits. By using an Environmental Protection Agency dollar value, they assessed the value of reducing the risk of early death across the population.

Substantial Economic Impact

The study found that emission reductions from SO2 and NOx provided $249 billion in climate and health benefits to the US. Millstein described this figure as “noteworthy.” The report also examined the regional benefits of wind and solar power. Wind power is particularly advantageous in the Central states due to reduced emissions on local power grids, while solar power offers significant benefits in the Carolinas.

Jeremiah Johnson, a climate and energy professor at North Carolina State University, praised these findings. “These findings can help us target future wind and solar development to provide the greatest climate and health benefits,” said Johnson, whose work is cited in the study.

Future Outlook

The study’s results underscore the importance of solar energy investment and the ongoing development of renewable energy technologies. As the solar energy market continues to grow, the US can expect even greater benefits in terms of climate impact and public health.

Overall, this report highlights the significant positive impact of increasing renewable energy use on both the environment and public health, emphasizing the importance of continued investment and development in solar technology.

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