Renewable Energy Landscape: Bulgaria’s Decline Amidst EU’s Uptick in 2022

EU Witnesses Surge in Renewable Energy Consumption

In 2022, the European Union (EU) experienced a notable uptick in renewable energy consumption, reaching 41.2% of gross electricity consumption, a 3.4 percentage point increase from 2021, as reported by Eurostat. The total share of renewable energy sources in the EU surged by 5.7% between 2021 and 2022.

Bulgaria’s Contrasting Trend

Contrastingly, Bulgaria witnessed a decline in the share of electricity sourced from renewables. In 2022, only 19.09% of the country’s electricity came from renewable sources, down from 19.44% in 2021 and 23.31% in 2020, according to Eurostat data.

Dominant Contributors to Renewable Energy Mix

Examining the breakdown of renewable sources in the EU, wind and hydropower emerged as dominant contributors, collectively accounting for over two-thirds of the total electricity generated. Wind power constituted 37.5%, while hydropower contributed 29.9%. Solar energy made up 18.2%, solid biofuels contributed 6.9%, and other renewable sources comprised 7.5%.

Shaping Future Strategies in Green Energy Policies

The contrasting trends between the EU and Bulgaria underscore the importance of continued investments and policy initiatives to promote renewable energy adoption. As the EU witnesses an overall increase, Bulgaria may need to reassess and enhance its strategies to meet both national and European green energy targets.

In conclusion, while the EU progresses towards a greener future, individual member states, like Bulgaria, face challenges in maintaining or increasing their renewable energy shares. The data highlights the need for tailored approaches and collaborative efforts to achieve a more sustainable and eco-friendly energy landscape.


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