Renergia: Romanian Energy-Saving App Debuts Globally at COP28

Unveiling Renergia: A Revolutionary Energy-Saving App

Romanian startup Energy Advisor, linked with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, has taken a leap into the international market by launching Renergia, an energy-saving application, during COP28.

Empowering Users: Cutting-edge Features of Renergia

With an investment exceeding EUR 300,000, Renergia stands out as Romania’s first mobile application streamlining energy consumption and minimizing energy bills. Users can potentially reduce both electrical and thermal bills by up to 30% by implementing the recommended efficiency measures.

Innovative Algorithm and Comprehensive Analysis

Renergia employs an innovative algorithm merging statistics, probability concepts, and advanced artificial intelligence to analyze household energy consumption. The app estimates monthly and annual costs, predicts energy consumption precisely, and generates personalized energy efficiency plans.

Developers assert that Renergia can significantly decrease monthly energy bills, contingent on household equipment configuration and thermal insulation levels. The app also facilitates the dimensioning of photovoltaic systems, providing a new channel for suppliers and financial institutions with green portfolios.

Commitment to Sustainability: Encouraging Energy Efficiency in Romania

Dr. Ing. Alexandru Mureșan, CEO of Renergia, emphasizes Romania’s significant energy waste, advocating for energy efficiency measures and renewable sources to enhance resilience and improve household comfort.

Renergia, developed by a specialized team of 12 experts in energy, software, marketing, and strategy, reflects an investment surpassing EUR 300,000. Launched in January 2023, the app is available for free download on Google Play and AppStore.

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