Radiant Growth in Solar Power Usage Illuminates Energy Landscape

China is set to achieve a historic milestone in solar power capacity with an anticipated addition of 160 to 180 gigawatts (GW) in 2023, marking an unprecedented annual surge, according to the China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA).

Robust Performance in Photovoltaic Manufacturing

The photovoltaic manufacturing sector in China has experienced remarkable growth, surpassing an output value of 1.3 trillion yuan ($182.6 billion) in the first ten months of the current year. This achievement represents an all-time high for the industry.

Stellar Solar Power Generation

In tandem with manufacturing success, solar power generation in China has soared to new heights, reaching 142.56 gigawatts during the same period. This marks a remarkable year-on-year increase of 156 percent, reinforcing the nation’s position as a global leader in solar energy production.

Future Outlook and Dominance of Renewable Energy

Wang Bohua, the honorary chairman of CPIA, has emphasized the pivotal role of renewable energy in shaping the future of power generation. Anticipating a continued evolution in photovoltaic technology and a more diversified export market, it is predicted that renewable energy will assume a dominant position in the global power generation landscape by 2030.

Impressive Achievements in 2022

In 2022, China, renowned as the world’s largest solar products manufacturer and solar power generator, successfully operationalized 87.41 GW of new solar power capacity. This substantial addition contributed to the cumulative installed capacity, reaching an impressive 392.61 GW.

Source: chinadaily.com.cn

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