Queensland’s Ambitious $179 Million Investment in Renewable Energy

Premier Steven Miles unveils a substantial investment to propel Queensland’s renewable energy goals through expanded battery infrastructure.

Massive Funding for Local Network Batteries Program

Premier Steven Miles announces a game-changing $179 million investment for stages three and four of Queensland’s local network-connected batteries program. Sourced from the Queensland Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Jobs Fund, this funding will significantly expand the state’s renewable energy capabilities.

Stage Three: 12 New Batteries Across Communities

The third stage involves the construction of 4MW/8MWh batteries in 12 communities statewide. This strategic expansion aims to reinforce the energy network, particularly during peak demand periods, enhancing the resilience of Queensland’s electricity distribution network.

Stage Four: Pioneering Flow Batteries Trial for Local Industry Growth

In an innovative move, stage four introduces a trial of two flow batteries manufactured in Queensland. This initiative not only explores alternative technologies but also lays the foundation for a burgeoning local battery industry, aligning with global sustainability objectives.

Impact on Queensland’s Energy Landscape

Queensland’s Energy and Jobs Plan relies heavily on the local network-connected batteries strategically placed in areas with high solar penetration. These batteries play a vital role in supporting the energy network during peak demand, ensuring a reliable power supply while contributing to the state’s renewable energy targets.

Quotes from Key Figures

Premier Steven Miles highlights the need to align the energy network with the surge in solar generation. Energy Minister Mick de Brenni emphasizes the positive effect of batteries on lowering peak demand, benefiting households, and creating business opportunities. Peter Price, Energy Queensland’s Chief Engineer, anticipates the program’s expansion and underscores the potential of stage four to kickstart a local battery industry, achieving sustainability for Queensland communities.


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