Prologis Triumphs in German Solar Auction: Boosting Clean Energy Portfolio

Prologis Europe secures ten rooftop solar contracts in the latest EEG tender by the German government, contributing to the country’s renewable energy goals.

Accelerating Rooftop Solar Deployment in Germany

The German government, aiming for cleaner energy, increased auction capacity from 650MW in 2023 to 900MW in 2024. Prologis Europe, a major player in logistics real estate, won contracts for every bid submitted in the 88-contract auction.

Impacts on Clean Energy and CO2 Emissions Reduction

With approximately 3.15 million square meters of logistics real estate in Germany, Prologis Europe’s 10 new contracts add over 16MW to its solar portfolio. This will power over 11,000 German households annually, reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 13,300 tonnes.

Prologis’ Commitment to Clean Energy and Community Collaboration

Sean Greany, Head of Energy at Prologis Europe, emphasizes the company’s dedication to solar energy production and battery storage. Prologis Europe collaborates with governments, communities, and businesses to support the transition to renewable energy, aligning with sustainability goals.

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