Portugal and 122 Countries Pledge to Triple Renewable Energy by 2030

Portugal, alongside 122 other nations, has made a commitment to form an alliance aimed at tripling the production of renewable energy and doubling energy efficiency by 2030. The announcement was made during a ministerial meeting dedicated to energy at the 28th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP28).

Concrete Goals by the International Energy Agency

Ana Fontoura Gouveia, the Portuguese Secretary of State, emphasized that the commitment is based on concrete goals presented by the International Energy Agency. The goals provide a clear direction for each country to individually contribute to reducing reliance on fossil fuels and advancing climate action.

Global Understanding and Urgency

Gouveia stressed the growing understanding that there is no time to waste in combating climate change. The commitment by 123 countries, including the United Arab Emirates (host of COP28) as one of the largest producers of fossil fuels, reflects a collective recognition of the urgent need for ambitious actions to address the climate crisis.

Clarification on Fossil Fuels

Addressing the recent controversy surrounding statements by the president of COP28, Sultan Al-Jaber, Gouveia noted that Al-Jaber’s clarification sends a “very clear signal about ambition.” Al-Jaber had acknowledged the need to progressively reduce and abandon fossil fuels, aligning with the global imperative to limit global warming to 1.5ºC.

Leadership and Diverse Perspectives

Gouveia acknowledged that not all countries start from the same positions, and while some advocate for the elimination of fossil fuels, oil-producing nations may have different perspectives. Despite these differences, the goal is to find common ground and language to collectively work towards progressively eliminating fossil fuels.

Portugal’s Role and Economic Results

Highlighting Portugal as an example, Gouveia emphasized that the country has demonstrated that the path towards energy transition and decarbonization yields economic and financial benefits. Portugal’s success in attracting investment and creating jobs through its commitment to renewable energy serves as a model for others to follow.

Forward Momentum for Global Energy Transition

The commitment by Portugal and other nations signifies a crucial step forward in the global energy transition. Concrete goals, international collaboration, and a shared commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency underscore the collective determination to address climate change and build a sustainable future.

Source: theportugalnews.com

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