Pioneer Power Unveils Revolutionary Zero-Emission Mobile EV Charging Platforms

Innovative Solutions for Growing Demand

Pioneer Power Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: PPSI), in collaboration with NOMAD Transportable Power Solutions, announces the launch of Zero Emission e-Boost (ZEeB) and EXZELCR platforms. These platforms are set to redefine low-carbon, mobile EV charging solutions, addressing the surging demand for grid-gap solutions.

Key Features of ZEeB and EXZELCR

The ZEeB, with a 500 kW power capacity unit, delivers exceptionally high-speed EV charging, catering to remote or grid-congested areas. Both ZEeB and EXZELCR boast a compact design, facilitating easy transport for various applications, including fleets, transit agencies, municipalities, and sustainability events.

Versatile Applications and Future Plans

ZEeB and EXZELCR offer flexibility for EV charging in diverse scenarios, such as events, remote locations, disaster response, and fleet management. Future plans include introducing larger ZEeB units with 750 kW and 1 MW capacities.

Transformative Resiliency and CEO Perspectives

Nathan Mazurek, CEO of Pioneer, emphasizes the transformative capabilities of these units, instantly becoming integral parts of microgrids in the absence of electricity. This innovative approach places them ahead in peak demand shaving and resiliency.

This collaboration signifies a significant leap forward in the world of sustainable, mobile EV charging solutions, offering unrivaled flexibility for EV deployment.

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