OneD Battery Sciences and Koch Modular: Revolutionizing EV Battery Anodes

Strategic Partnership for Next-Gen EV Batteries

OneD Battery Sciences and Koch Modular Process Systems join forces to revolutionize the production of silicon-graphite anode materials for the next generation of affordable electric vehicles (EV).

Enabling Large-Scale Production

The collaboration leverages Koch Modular’s silane gas manufacturing expertise and OneD’s SINANODE technology to efficiently convert silane into nano-silicon within graphite anode materials already approved by EV cell makers. The goal is to scale up silane anode production with a modular silane plant adjacent to a SINANODE factory.

Integrated North American Plant in Progress

Currently in the design phase, the partners are working on the first integrated North American plant set to produce 20,000 tons of silicon-graphite anode material annually. This quantity can power approximately 1,000,000 EVs each year.

Silicon Anode Revolution with SINANODE

OneD’s SINANODE technology platform takes a novel approach, growing nano-silicon directly in the pores of EV-grade graphite powders. This disruptive process not only lowers costs but also enhances EV batteries, providing longer range and a smaller carbon footprint.

Koch Modular’s Expertise Boosts Production

Koch Modular’s silane manufacturing expertise perfectly complements OneD’s SINANODE platform. The collaboration aims to make silane production more scalable and economical, helping customers gain a competitive edge in the global market.

In conclusion, this partnership marks a significant step toward reducing EV battery costs, increasing production efficiency, and promoting the adoption of silicon-graphite anodes in the EV industry.

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