Octopus Renewables Trust Makes Strategic Decision to Cancel Spanish Solar Projects Acquisition

Opting Out for Strategic Reasons

Background: Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust (ORIT) has decided not to proceed with the acquisition of 175MW of Spanish solar projects, a deal initially agreed upon in 2020.

Reassessment and Capital Allocation

Rethinking Strategy: ORIT cited a comprehensive reassessment of the projects on a risk-adjusted basis and a consideration of its capital allocation approach. The company determined that exiting the option at a value above its holding value was a more favorable decision than committing to the construction.

Financial Implications and Gains

Financial Outcomes: As a result of this strategic move, ORIT has not only been refunded its initial deposit but has also negotiated a termination payment from the vendor. This has led to a net gain on the investment of approximately £3 million (€3.5 million) over the €2 million initial deposit, or roughly £1.5 million over the £3.2 million holding valuation of the option as of the third quarter of 2023.

Chairman’s Perspective

Phil Austin’s Statement: Phil Austin, Chairman of Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust, emphasized the significance of this decision, stating, “Exiting this option demonstrates ORIT’s ability to remain flexible as market conditions change and reflects our disciplined approach to capital allocation, allowing us to capitalize on opportunities to enhance value for shareholders when the right deals arise.”

Strategic Flexibility: The cancellation of the Spanish solar projects acquisition underscores ORIT’s commitment to strategic flexibility and disciplined financial management. By prioritizing value enhancement for shareholders, the company aims to make informed decisions aligned with market dynamics.


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