NSW Advances Clean Energy: Powers 1.5M Homes with Renewable Projects

NSW Labor Government Approvals Drive Renewable Energy Milestone

The New South Wales (NSW) Labor Government is making significant strides in renewable energy, securing approvals for multiple wind and solar projects in 2023. These initiatives are poised to supply clean energy to over 1.5 million homes in NSW.

DPHI Approvals and Project Breakdown

The Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure (DPHI) completed assessments for 18 renewable energy State Significant Development (SSD) projects in 2023. This includes three wind farms, six solar farms, and nine large-scale batteries. Notably, the Yanco Delta wind farm, approved by the Independent Planning Commission (IPC), is set to become Australia’s largest wind farm at 1.5 gigawatts.

Economic Boost and Environmental Impact

Approved projects are expected to create more than 3,000 jobs during both construction and operation phases, delivering a vital economic stimulus to regional communities. Collectively, these projects boast a capacity of 7.6 gigawatts, aiming to save approximately 8.3 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, contributing significantly to energy security.

Ongoing Plans and Future Guidelines

An additional 29 renewable energy projects are currently in the planning stage, with 70 more set to undergo departmental approval. The NSW Government is further streamlining its renewable energy initiatives with the draft Energy Policy Framework. This framework encompasses new guidelines for wind energy development, transmission infrastructure, and benefit sharing, providing clarity for developers and host communities.

Government Commitment and Milestone Progress

Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Penny Sharpe, affirmed the government’s dedication to expediting the transition to renewables. She highlighted that NSW is halfway towards its 2030 renewable generation target, with a substantial achievement in long-duration storage targets as well.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully, emphasized the government’s commitment to balancing renewable energy projects with responsible development. The NSW Government’s focus on clean, reliable energy is steering the state toward a sustainable and low-carbon future.


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