NREL-Led Workshop Charts Course for Sustainable Clean Energy

Shaping the Future: Mitigating Degradation Rates in Clean Technologies

Renowned experts convened at a workshop led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), emphasizing the critical role of mitigating degradation rates for the ongoing deployment of solar and wind technologies.

Advancing Clean Energy for Economic and Environmental Gains

As the world aims for a greener future, addressing degradation is not merely a technical concern but a pivotal factor affecting national energy security and economic health. Sustaining clean technologies can unlock billions in savings and enhance both system performance and longevity.

Recommendations Aligned with Net-Zero Carbon Goals

More than 50 industry leaders, academic scholars, and researchers collaborated on recommendations aligning with the White House’s net-zero carbon emission goals by 2050. These strategies, if adopted, could set the standard for the clean energy industry.

Challenges and Solutions: A Cross-Technology Approach

The workshop delved into the commonalities among various technologies like solar, wind, batteries, and electrolyzers. Despite differences, all face the challenge of insufficient reliability data. Strengthening the feedback loop between manufacturers, research labs, and field tests emerged as a key solution.

Accelerating Clean Tech Improvements through Standards

Addressing the lack of reliability data, the workshop highlighted the role of national laboratories in distilling and de-risking proprietary information for public knowledge. The need for shared collections of degradation and failure data was emphasized, along with the importance of accelerated tests considering different stressors to develop standards.

The recently published report, “Nanoscale Science for Terawatt/Gigaton Scale Performance of Clean Energy Technologies,” available in the journal Joule, outlines these recommendations. This research, funded by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at NREL, signifies a significant step towards sustainable and reliable clean energy technologies.


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