Netherlands Launches Solar Marketplace Advisory Board to Boost Nigeria’s Renewable Energy

Pioneering Collaboration for Sustainable Energy

The Netherlands government has taken a significant step towards enhancing renewable energy solutions in Nigeria with the inauguration of a solar marketplace advisory board in Lagos. Geoffrey van Leeuwen, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, highlighted the initiative as a key milestone in promoting collaboration and innovation within the renewable energy sector.

Distinguished Board Members Drive Solar Adoption

The advisory board boasts an impressive lineup of experts, including representatives from the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority, Invest International, Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria, Independent Energy, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, National Council on Climate Change, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), Sterling Bank, and Arnergy. These leaders are uniting their expertise to accelerate the adoption of solar technologies and catalyze positive change in Nigeria’s energy landscape.

A Shared Vision for Renewable Energy in Nigeria

“This inauguration marks a pivotal moment in our collective journey to expand renewable energy opportunities in Nigeria,” said Leeuwen. Launched in November 2023, Nigeria’s solar marketplace aims to foster renewable energy adoption, facilitating sustainable trade and development across the nation. The platform serves as a vital resource for connecting sellers with buyers, encouraging trade and investment in the Nigerian solar sector.

Addressing Energy Challenges with Sustainable Solutions

Femi Adeyemo, Founder of Arnergy and advisory board member, emphasized the urgency for Nigerian businesses to transition from diesel reliance to sustainable energy sources. Yusuf Umar, Program Lead at the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority and board member, envisions the solar marketplace as a central hub to rally support for stakeholders in the renewable energy domain.

This collaborative effort between the Netherlands and Nigeria signifies a promising advance in the quest for sustainable energy solutions, aiming to transform Nigeria’s energy landscape through the power of solar technology.


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