Mitsubishi Collaborates with Seven Firms to Boost Electric Natural Gas Development

Mitsubishi Corp has announced its initiative to establish an international coalition with seven major firms, including TotalEnergies and Tokyo Gas. This coalition aims to support the advancement and production of electric natural gas (e-NG).

Promoting Sustainable Energy Solutions

e-NG is a synthetic gas crafted from renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide (CO2). It possesses the capability of being transported and stored through existing infrastructures. Mitsubishi emphasized in a statement that e-NG could significantly contribute to accelerating the energy transition towards a net-zero carbon future.

Accelerating Energy Transition

In line with combating climate change, Mitsubishi and its collaborating partners intend to expedite the development of e-NG. Their primary focus is on ensuring reliability, affordability, and sustainability in the production process. This endeavor aligns with global efforts to transition towards greener energy sources.

Coalition Partners and Formation

Alongside Mitsubishi, the coalition includes notable entities such as France’s Engie, US-based Sempra Infrastructure, Belgium’s TES, and Japan’s Osaka Gas and Toho Gas. The formation of this group, named the “e-NG Coalition,” is slated for the first half of the year.

The initiative underscores a collective commitment to exploring innovative solutions within the energy sector. Through collaborative efforts, the coalition aims to leverage expertise and resources to advance sustainable energy technologies.

In conclusion, Mitsubishi’s partnership with these leading firms reflects a concerted effort to drive progress in the development of electric natural gas. This initiative holds promise for shaping the future landscape of the energy market and aligns with evolving green energy policies worldwide.

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