Lightshift Energy Secures $100 Million Investment for Expansion

Lightshift Energy, formerly known as Delorean Power, has announced a significant investment of $100 million from Greenbacker Capital Management LLC (“Greenbacker” or “GCM”). This capital infusion aims to accelerate the expansion of utility-scale battery storage projects across North America.

Partnership for Sustainable Infrastructure Development

Greenbacker’s investment includes $20 million from an affiliated investment vehicle dedicated to sustainable infrastructure development platforms. An additional $80 million comes from another affiliated investment vehicle supporting sustainable infrastructure assets. This partnership underscores Greenbacker’s commitment to advancing sustainable energy integration in the United States.

Meeting Growing Demand for Grid Solutions

Lightshift Energy is uniquely positioned to assist utilities in optimizing battery storage systems, enhancing grid resiliency, and integrating complex power systems with energy storage solutions. This investment will enable Lightshift to scale its team, accelerate sales, and expand its project pipeline to meet the increasing demand for integrated grid solutions.

Leading the Energy Transition

Founded in 2019, Lightshift Energy has rapidly emerged as a trusted provider of innovative energy storage solutions. With a portfolio of over 20 battery projects and a pipeline exceeding 4,000 MW, Lightshift is at the forefront of America’s integrated grid energy transition.

About Lightshift Energy

Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, Lightshift Energy specializes in utility-scale energy storage development. Backed by funds managed by Greenbacker Capital Management, Lightshift focuses on maximizing value for utilities and customers through the development of energy storage projects across the United States.

About Greenbacker Capital Management

Greenbacker Capital Management LLC is an SEC-registered investment adviser specializing in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainability industries. Greenbacker Development Opportunities, managed by Greenbacker Capital Management, invests in growing sustainable infrastructure platforms in high-value markets across the US.

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