Larga Vista Residents Challenge NEOEN’s Solar Farm Project in Silves

Residents of Larga Vista, Foral, in Silves municipality, are actively opposing NEOEN’s proposed 96-hectare solar farm project, citing environmental and community rights concerns. The Residents Association has taken legal action, filing a case with the Courts in Loulé on January 10, 2024.

Project Details and Environmental Impact

NEOEN’s solar farm project is slated to occupy 96 hectares of native vegetation, featuring over 102,399 solar panels, 8 transformers, a substation, and 5 km of overhead high-tension lines. Residents express apprehension about the project’s proximity to residential areas, as close as 20 meters in some places, raising environmental integrity and groundwater resource concerns.

Approval and Ongoing Concerns

Despite receiving approval from the Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR), the Residents Association remains steadfast in voicing environmental apprehensions. They stress that the project’s implementation will dramatically alter the landscape, removing all vegetation and conflicting with LNEG’s recommendation for a 500-meter buffer zone.

Legal Challenge and Community Initiative

In response to the perceived threats posed by the solar farm, the Larga Vista Residents Association is taking legal action and has turned to crowdfunding. Inspired by a successful campaign against a similar project near Estoi, the community seeks support to legally challenge those responsible for the solar farm. The residents remain hopeful and determined in their efforts to safeguard their community and environment.

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