Italy Advances Energy Market Liberalization in Accordance with EU Commitments

Deputy Premier Tajani Supports Energy Market Liberalization under NRRP

Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani emphasizes the positive move of freeing up Italy’s energy market, aligning with commitments made under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) post-COVID. This step is part of Premier Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FdI) party and Forza Italia (FI) party’s agenda, fostering free competition and ending the ‘protected’ energy market regime.

Divergent Views Within the Government

While Premier Meloni’s FdI and FI parties advocate for the recent government decision to transition to free competition, Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini, representing the League party, contends for the extension of the ‘protected’ regime to safeguard consumers. The disagreement centers on whether liberalization or protection will effectively bring down energy prices.

Balancing Act: Meeting Commitments and Respecting Differences

Deputy Premier Tajani underscores the government’s commitment to liberalization, expressing confidence that it will lead to reduced energy prices. In navigating the differences within the coalition, Tajani recognizes the importance of honoring commitments made with Europe through the NRRP, emphasizing a balanced approach that avoids unnecessary controversy.

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