Innovative CO2 Battery Technology: A Game-Changer in Renewable Energy Storage

This giant dome battery cuts CO2 emissions — by using more CO2

Renewable energy faces storage challenges, but Energy Dome’s CO2 battery may revolutionize the sector, providing cost-effective and sustainable solutions.

Harnessing CO2 for Clean Energy Storage

Italian startup Energy Dome introduces a groundbreaking CO2 battery, leveraging carbon dioxide to store renewable energy. This closed-loop system boasts a 30-year lifespan and requires a single injection of CO2.

Advantages Over Traditional Batteries

CO2 batteries offer efficiency and affordability, producing electricity at half the cost of lithium-ion batteries. The technology, backed by investors like Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures and the European Investment Bank, is set to revolutionize renewable energy storage.

Energy Dome’s first commercial-scale plant, supported by €60mn in funding, will be constructed in Sardinia, Italy, storing 20MW of energy from nearby solar and wind farms. The modular design allows for rapid scalability, with construction potentially starting in 2024.

As the environmental impact of lithium-ion batteries comes under scrutiny, CO2 batteries present a promising alternative, avoiding rare earth metals and associated mining-related issues.


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