Imperial Scholar Bags €2.4M for Solar Tech Enhancement

Learning from Nature: Enhancing Solar Technologies

Renowned Professor Jenny Nelson, hailing from the Department of Physics at Imperial College London, has secured a significant €2.4M grant from the European Research Council. The grant aims to draw inspiration from nature, particularly plants, to revolutionize solar technologies.

Harnessing Nature’s Efficiency for Solar Energy

Professor Nelson’s ambitious project, named ‘POTENtIAl: Optimising solar photochemical energy conversion by learning from nature,’ delves into the intricate mechanisms through which plants efficiently convert sunlight into energy. By deciphering these natural processes, she intends to engineer more effective materials for solar-harvesting technologies.

Exploring Innovative Materials for Solar Panels

While conventional photovoltaic (PV) panels predominantly rely on crystalline silicon, Professor Nelson explores novel materials like molecular semiconductors. These materials offer unparalleled versatility, potentially enabling the integration of solar panels into curved surfaces or windows, thus amplifying solar electricity generation.

Overcoming Efficiency Hurdles

Although molecular PV cells exhibit lower efficiency compared to silicon-based counterparts, around 20% versus over 26%, they present promising avenues for advancement. Professor Nelson’s research targets optimizing energy conversion by minimizing non-radiative recombination, a process where the new materials currently lose a fraction of the sun’s energy.

Bridging Natural and Artificial Systems

Drawing parallels between photosynthesis and solar cell processes, Professor Nelson’s team employs computer models and light absorption measurements to glean insights. By discerning how natural systems minimize energy loss, they aim to derive design principles to enhance artificial solar technologies.

With the UK’s full association with Horizon Europe, Imperial College stands at the forefront of pioneering research endeavors. Professor Nelson’s project underscores Imperial’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge science for addressing pressing global challenges, including climate change mitigation and sustainable energy solutions.

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