Imperial College London Launches Zero Index for Energy Partners

Innovative Framework to Guide Collaboration and Investment

Imperial College London introduces the Imperial Zero Index, a groundbreaking framework designed to evaluate the commitment of energy and fossil fuel companies towards achieving net zero emissions. Set to influence both academic collaborations and investment decisions, this initiative underscores Imperial’s leadership in fostering a sustainable future.

Driving Decarbonization through Strategic Engagement

The Imperial Zero Index aims to annually assess energy sector collaborators on their net zero strategies and operational efforts. Companies failing to meet the university’s criteria risk losing partnership opportunities, highlighting Imperial’s dedication to environmental sustainability. This move aligns with the university’s ‘Engagement for Change’ strategy, emphasizing research that supports business decarbonization and credible net-zero commitments.

Commitment to a Sustainable Future

Professor Mary Ryan, Vice Provost for Research and Enterprise, emphasized Imperial’s role in propelling the global transition to a zero-pollution future. The university’s stringent policy against funding research that supports the fossil fuel industry’s extraction business further demonstrates its commitment to sustainability.

Collaborating for a Net Zero Transition

Imperial is at the forefront of decarbonizing the energy industry, hosting the UK’s largest carbon capture and storage research program and working on projects that develop greener fuels and efficient energy storage technologies. This collaborative approach with the industry is crucial for harnessing innovative solutions to enhance business efficiencies and environmental performance.

The Imperial Zero Index: A Call for Industry Accountability

Developed with insights from leading academics, the Imperial Zero Index will utilize public and consenting internal company data to evaluate firms on various criteria, including net-zero commitment and environmental impact. The methodology and outcomes will be published online, ensuring transparency and encouraging other universities to join Imperial in pushing the industry towards net-zero.

Imperial’s Sustainable Vision

Imperial’s Sustainability Strategy commits to achieving net-zero carbon status by 2040, reinforcing the university’s resolve to influence fossil fuel companies positively. Professor Geoffrey Maitland highlighted the Imperial Zero Index as a crucial step in holding energy partners accountable, ensuring they are on track to fulfill their net-zero obligations by 2050.

This initiative not only strengthens Imperial’s position as a leader in sustainable research and investment but also sets a precedent for academic institutions worldwide to leverage their influence for a greener future.


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