Historic Achievement: UK Successfully Halves Carbon Emissions, a First Among G20 Nations

Net Zero Minister Claire Coutinho declares the UK’s success in halving carbon emissions.

Global Carbon Project Data

The Global Carbon Project’s research reveals a 52% decrease in UK CO₂ emissions from the 1970s peak.

Remarkable Progress

Despite an expanding population and economy, the UK’s emissions dropped to 319 million tonnes in 2022 from 660 million tonnes in 1971.

World Leader in Climate Action

The UK’s accomplishment positions it as a global leader in addressing climate change within the G20 nations.

Data Analysis by Minister

Claire Coutinho emphasizes the importance of inclusive climate efforts without burdening families during the transition to net zero.

US and Other Nations’ Emissions

A comparison shows varying progress, with the US reducing emissions but remaining above its 1970s levels, while some nations face rising emissions.

Sunak’s Policy Adjustments

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s policy revisions aim to align with the net-zero target, including adjustments to the ban on petrol and diesel cars and energy efficiency rules.

Under-the-Radar Milestone

Editor Fraser Nelson notes the significant achievement, highlighting the UK’s reduced carbon output despite a larger population and economy.

Critics and Recognition

Nelson suggests that if the data reflected negative trends, critics would focus on the UK’s environmental performance.

Source: theage.com.au

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