Himachal Pradesh Unveils Phase-II of Solar Power Start-Up Scheme

Empowering Youth with Clean Energy Initiatives

The Himachal Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, is set to launch the Rajiv Gandhi Swarozgar Start-Up Yojana Phase-II. This initiative targets youth aged between 21 and 45, encouraging them to establish solar power projects.

Clean Energy Targets and Economic Stimulus

Chief Minister Sukhu highlighted the scheme’s focus on achieving the government’s ‘clean energy’ targets. The plan emphasizes installing solar power projects ranging from 100 kW to 500 kW capacity. Apart from contributing to renewable energy goals, this initiative aims to provide self-employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth for the state’s youth.

Lucrative Opportunities for Youth

Under the scheme, youth with land can earn substantial monthly incomes—Rs 20,000 for a 100 kW project on three bighas, Rs 40,000 for 200 kW on five bighas, and Rs 1 lakh for a 500 kW project on ten bighas. The government provides support with a minimal 10% security deposit, 30% equity, and facilitates a 70% bank loan for beneficiaries.

Specialized Educational Institution for Differently-Abled Children

In addition to the solar start-up scheme, the government plans to establish an educational institution catering to differently-abled children. This initiative ensures modern facilities and technology, addressing the educational and skill development needs of visually and hearing-impaired children.

Sarkar Gaon Ke Dwar Scheme: Ministers and MLAs to Connect with Villagers

The Cabinet also approved the Sarkar Gaon Ke Dwar scheme, beginning January 8. As part of this initiative, ministers, MLAs, and Congress candidates will visit villages, holding interactions with beneficiaries of government schemes until February 12. This grassroots approach aims to enhance connectivity and understanding between the government and the local populace.


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