Global Cooperation Amid SDG Challenges

Facing Uphill Battle in 2024

As the deadline to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 approaches, the world grapples with significant challenges. With only 15 percent of SDG targets on track, urgent action is imperative.

Crisis Impact and Development Setback

The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic, escalating debt, inflation, and the Ukraine crisis has set back global development progress. Developing nations, in particular, struggle with constrained fiscal space, impacting their ability to meet SDGs.

Multilateral Cooperation: A Necessity

COP28 outcomes underscore the importance of multilateral cooperation. While commitments to limit global warming and transition from fossil fuels were reaffirmed, the challenges demand increased collective efforts and ambition to achieve SDGs on time.

Global Development Partnership for Acceleration

A robust global development partnership is crucial for expediting progress on the 2030 Agenda. South-South cooperation, with China as a major development finance provider, can play a significant role in advancing sustainable development globally.

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