Global Black Impact Summit 2024 Puts Diversity in the Energy Spotlight

Diverse Perspectives Shaping the Future of the Energy Sector

The Global Black Impact Summit (GBIS) 2024, scheduled for February 27 in Dubai, aims to explore diversity’s pivotal role in shaping the future of the energy sector as it transitions towards sustainable solutions.

Panel Discussion: Energy Transition and the Significance of Diversity

Titled “Energy Transition: Highlighting the Importance of Diversity in Shaping the Future of the Energy Sector,” this insightful panel will discuss how inclusivity can drive innovative approaches, enhancing energy security and accelerating the transition to a cleaner energy future globally.

Celebrating Achievements and Promoting Excellence

Hosted by the Black Impact Foundation and organized by Energy Capital and Power, GBIS is an annual event celebrating the achievements of the Black community, promoting excellence, and uncovering untapped potential across various fields.

Bridging Disparities in the Energy Workforce

Recognizing the urgency of diversity and inclusion in the industry, GBIS 2024 addresses existing disparities. The 2023 Energy and Employment Report by the U.S. Department of Energy revealed that Black workers constitute only 9% of the clean energy workforce, highlighting the need for increased representation.

GBIS aims to shed light on these disparities, exploring strategies to promote diversity and inclusion within the energy sector. The event emphasizes leveraging diverse perspectives for sustainable innovation, growth, and driving the transition towards renewable energy and clean technology.

Notable Speakers and Engaging Conversations

Featuring influential speakers like Atong Amos, Founder and CEO of Triple A Services&Petroleum, and Olakunle Williams, CEO of Tetracore Energy Group, the summit focuses on Black entrepreneurs leading the way in innovative clean technology solutions.


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