Ghana Approves Africa’s Largest Rooftop Solar Project by Sungrow

Sungrow’s 16.82 MW rooftop solar installation in Ghana gains ministerial approval for clean energy contribution.

Ministerial Approval for Sungrow’s Mega Rooftop Solar Project

Ghana’s Minister of Energy, Dr. Matthew Prempeh-Opoku, has officially approved Africa’s largest rooftop solar installation, powered by Sungrow. The 16.82 megawatt project, located in the Tema Freezone, is owned by Helios Solar Company, a subsidiary of LMI Holdings.

Sungrow’s Cutting-Edge Technology

The project utilizes Sungrow’s advanced SG350HX PV inverter and the MV Station MVS4480-LV. These cutting-edge components, selected by the project’s PV EPC and O&M Contractor, Dutch & Co., play a crucial role in providing reliable and efficient solar energy solutions.

Clean Energy Impact

Sungrow’s technology is expected to help Ghana reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 11,000 tonnes annually. The company expresses its commitment to clean power for all, aiming to accelerate the adoption of clean energy solutions and drive innovation in power conversion technology.

Funding and Solar System Details

Funded by the International Finance Corporation as part of a USD$30-million clean power and water deal with LMI Holdings, the installation comprises 29,261 solar panels utilizing the latest N-type technology. Spread across 92,000m² of LMI Holdings’ IWC Mega-warehouse rooftop, the solar system is projected to produce 24,750 MWh of clean electricity annually.

Sungrow’s Environmental Commitment

Sungrow’s representative highlights the company’s dedication to a sustainable future, stating, “This project further solidifies Sungrow’s position at the forefront of innovative and environmentally conscious endeavors in the energy sector.”

Ghana’s approval marks a significant step in advancing clean energy solutions, with Sungrow playing a pivotal role in the development of Africa’s largest rooftop solar installation.

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