Fresno Unified School District and ForeFront Power Unveil 17.5 MW Solar Energy and Storage Portfolio

Advancing Clean Energy Solutions

Fresno Unified School District marked a significant milestone with the completion of a 17.5 MW solar energy and storage portfolio. Developed alongside ForeFront Power, this initiative is a testament to the district’s commitment to sustainability and cost savings.

Expansive Solar Portfolio

Comprising 40 projects across 31 district sites, the Fresno Unified solar portfolio stands as one of California’s largest K-12 solar and battery storage initiatives. With installations including solar canopies and energy storage systems, the project is set to generate substantial environmental and financial benefits.

Environmental Impact and Cost Savings

The solar portfolio is projected to produce 23.5 million kilowatt-hours of renewable electricity annually, offsetting over 18,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions per year. This translates to significant energy cost savings, estimated to exceed $40 million over the system’s 20-year lifespan.

Commitment to Resilience and Education

Superintendent Bob Nelson emphasized the district’s dedication to fostering a resilient future through innovative energy solutions. The partnership with ForeFront Power not only delivers financial benefits but also enhances educational opportunities through renewable energy curriculum support and STEM programs.

ForeFront Power’s integration of smart battery storage systems complements the solar installations, optimizing energy usage and minimizing peak charges from utilities. This comprehensive approach ensures reliable and cost-effective energy solutions for the district.

Partnership and Procurement

Fresno Unified’s collaboration with ForeFront Power was facilitated through the Renewable Energy Aggregated Procurement (REAP) Program. This initiative, offered by SPURR, enables public agencies to access competitive pricing and terms for solar and energy storage projects, contributing to the widespread adoption of renewable energy solutions.

In conclusion, the completion of the Fresno Unified solar energy and storage portfolio signifies a significant step towards achieving sustainability goals while realizing substantial cost savings. This partnership exemplifies the transformative impact of renewable energy initiatives in educational institutions and communities.

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