Far North Solar Farm Proposes 420MW Solar Project in Mackenzie Country

Far North Solar Farm has submitted a resource consent application for a 420-megawatt solar farm in the Mackenzie Country, near Lake Benmore. The company views the land, known as The Point, as having limited ecological value, making it suitable for a large-scale solar project. The proposal includes a 670-hectare solar farm on leasehold cropping and dairy farmland. The site is part of an Outstanding Natural Landscape, and if approved, the project would produce renewable electricity for approximately 100,000 homes.

Land Considered Ecologically Disturbed

The land, leased for 30 years with a potential 30-year renewal, is under the farming management of Douglas McIntyre. Far North Solar Farm believes that farming activities have already depleted the ecological value of the area. The proposal outlines plans for an ecological restoration project, with over 89 hectares set to be restored to its native state. The project aims to reintroduce over 500,000 native plants, enhancing the ecological value of the site.

Environmental Considerations and Sanctuary for Insects

Far North Solar Farm Director John Telfer addresses concerns raised regarding ecological impact, stating that at least 30% of the site would be covered by solar panels. The perimeter would be fenced off to protect against pests, creating a potential sanctuary for threatened insect species. Telfer emphasizes that the solar farm’s visual impact will be limited due to the flat nature of the area, and a landscape and visual assessment report supports this claim.

Public Notification and Company’s Portfolio

The resource consent application for the solar farm will be publicly notified. Far North Solar Farm is actively involved in developing 11 solar farm sites across the country. Earlier this month, resource consent applications for an 88-megawatt solar farm near Lake Takapō/Tekapo were declined by independent commissioners, citing adverse effects on significant biodiversity values and insufficient information on environmental impact.

Conclusion and Environmental Restoration

The proposed solar project aims to contribute to New Zealand’s renewable energy goals while addressing ecological concerns through a substantial environmental restoration plan. The restoration effort aligns with the company’s commitment to sustainable development and ecological enhancement.

For more information on Far North Solar Farm, visit their website.

Source: stuff.co.nz

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